A Year in Miniatures 21: Sparky the Dragonborn

Sparky is a comission for a friend, and from my point of view was primarily an exercise in restraint. The customer wasn’t after anything too fancy, so I had to reign in my propensity for super-elaborate paintjobs. True metallic metals, no OSL, and no custom transfers, just good old-fashioned colour and volumes.

The character in question is a silver dragonborn, rendered in brass via Heroforge. I’ve painted a few heroforge miniatures in the past, but never one of their brass variants. The material has avery glossy finish, so after a few trials I ended up lightly sanding it to ensure that the primer would adhere properly.

Inevitably I couldn’t escape NMM entirely. Most of my time went towards the face and head, where I tried to stick as closely as possible to the official Monster Manual illustration of a silver dragon. The magical effect is intended to evoke a chromatic spray, apparently a favourite of the character. This is the sort of detail I love being given to work with!

This one was a nice palette cleanser after a bunch of large, complex, and time consuming projects. So of course, our next update, the last of the entries for 2022, is probably the most complex and time consuming I’ve ever undertaken. Look forward to that one!

Weeks Elapsed: 52
Miniatures Finished: 43


A Year in Miniatures 22: Durin’s Bane


A Year in Miniatures 20: Death