A Year in Miniatures 1: Sisters of Battle

About 6 years ago I painted a Sister of Battle for a friend who requested that she be clad in armour of the brightest pink. Being a cursed amalgamation of metal and plastic held together with pins, superglue, and hope, that model has suffered somewhat in the intervening years. With the Sisters line getting a major overhaul from Games Workshop recently, I thought it was about time my friend got an update. I also had a Chibi version lying around, which obviously needed to be included!

These were supposed to be finished in 2021 as a surprise Christmas gift for the owner of the original, however in order to get an easy lead on my ridiculous endeavour, I cunningly became wildly inept and disorganised, pushing their completion into 2022.

These models actually represent two different directions in which I’ve been trying to push my painting abilities, specifically volumes and glazing. Sister Amalia is the first model I’ve sat down and really tried to think about lighting and shadows, rather than simply following the contours of the model. The finished effect is still a little rough, but it’s head and shoulders above what I’ve been able to do previously.

Sister Chibi, on the other hand, is largely an exercise in glazing. I’ve always struggled to get properly smooth transitions, and the larger surface areas provided a lot of room for practice. Again I’m not 100% happy with the finished result, I’ve not yet got the knack of keeping the consistency right and there are a few tidemarks here and there as a result, but I’m pretty happy with how it’s come out.

These are also the first models I’ve photographed after moving house, and I was pretty new to miniature photography anyway, so there’s quite a bit of playing around with lighting and angles just in the photography!

Bonus content: the original in all her pastel glory!

Weeks Elapsed: 1
Miniatures Finished: 2


A Year in Miniatures 2: Knight Desecrater


A Year in Miniatures: The Beginning