A Year in Miniatures: The Beginning

Hexys has decided, possibly under duress, to attempt to average one finished miniature per week for 2022. This is likely to be moderately disastrous.

In all seriousness, I do seem to have a massive aversion to actually finishing models. Possibly it’s a way to avoid having to accept the imperfections - if I’m not done, I can still fix them at some point! Or maybe it’s just that I get distracted by the next shiny fun project. Whatever the reason, I have a stack of half- to almost-finished models that need sorting. Since a week is far too short a period to fully paint a model, the only way I’m ever going to hit 52 in a year is to work through my pile of partially painted projects.

I’ll be posting an update each week with what I’ve been working on, and a running total of weeks elapsed and models finished, so be sure to check back regularly to chart my slow inevitable descent into madness!

Weeks Elapsed: 0
Miniatures Finished: 0


A Year in Miniatures 1: Sisters of Battle